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Sustainability information has come to be viewed by investors and capital providers as just as important as financial information. That’s why standard setters and regulators are acting swiftly, recognizing the investor need for high-quality, consistent and comparable sustainability disclosures. CPAs have a natural advantage as sustainability reporting is a natural extension of financial reporting.
This course provides you with videos from the 2024 ESG symposium and aims to educate learners about ESG and Sustainability in practice, covering key reporting trends and developments in Canada. This course will provide resources for upskilling in the area of ESG metrics and reporting and explain how small and medium enterprises can start building ESG reporting capacity internally.
Topics Include:
Topic | Description | Speaker |
Practical Implications of ESG to Accounting and Finance Professionals |
Pyarali Jamal |
Building ESG Reporting Capacity for SMEs |
Sarah Keyes |
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Key Takeaways
Upon completion of this course, you will learn:
- Key ESG trends and developments and their implications to Canadian businesses.
- Targeting, measuring and reporting ESG metrics that matter (incl. an overview on the Theory of Change).
- Learnings from examples taken from company annual and / or sustainability reports.
- An overview of the ESG reporting journey and practical recommendations for how SMEs can start to build capacity internally.
- Understanding when and how to leverage external experts in the ESG reporting process.
- Appropriately narrowing scope of reporting and taking phased approaches.
Who Will Benefit
This course will be beneficial for:
- Accountants
- Senior Accountants
- Auditors
- Finance Managers
- Finance Directors
How to Access the Course
New mobile learning! Download Blackboard Learn from your app store (iOS or Android). Learn more.
To access the course on your computer please visit our BlackBoard site, and log-in using the same login and password used for the Registration Portal.
Please allow up to 15 minutes after registration for the course to appear on your BlackBoard page.
Registration, cancellation, withdrawal and all other CPA Ontario PD policies can be found here.
Pyarali Jamal, ESG and Sustainable Finance Specialist has worked on ESG issues for over 20 years. Early in his career he worked at two Canadian banks before joining EY Corporate Finance Canada where he led the Renewable Energy and Cleantech practice. He spent 10 years in various roles in the EY Transaction Advisory Services group in Canada, the UK, and in their Global offices in London. Since leaving EY he has advised numerous firms on governance, strategic planning, operations, and ESG integration, and has led a London-based circular economy business. Pyarali sits on the Sustainability Committee of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, and on the Advisory Council for the Centre for Building Sustainable Value at the Ivey Business School. |
Sarah Keyes, FCPA, FCA, is CEO at ESG Global Advisors and an ESG and climate change expert with over a decade of work experience as a thought leader, consultant, facilitator, and auditor. She regularly presents to Executive teams and Boards of Directors on the link between ESG and climate change with financial and operational performance and long-term value. Sarah helps her clients establish ESG and climate change strategies that align with strategic priorities, enabling effective integration with existing risk and strategy processes. |