Dates and location
Dates and location
Get more out of your data with Microsoft Excel. In this online course you will learn the basics of Excel by doing, not watching. Through interactive tutorials and simulation-based exercises you will learn how to create functional and dynamic spreadsheets to store, organize and manipulate data. An overview of Excel fundamentals will give you the tools you need to conduct successful financial and data analysis. Enhancements for 2019 include 3D images, chart improvements and co-authoring capabilities for sharing workbooks.
Key Takeaways
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Edit a workbook.
- Apply basic formulas including autofill, sums and average, MIN and MAX, and count.
- Apply basic formatting to align and merge cells, format numbers and dates, set rows and heights, and add borders and backgrounds.
- Insert objects, including images, shapes and hyperlinks.
- Change properties and add alt text.
- Manage worksheets, including inserting, renaming and deleting worksheets; freezing rows and columns; hiding worksheets and gridlines.
Who Will Benefit
Business professionals with little to no knowledge of Microsoft Excel who are responsible for managing and working with data.
Most of CPA Ontario's 450+ on-demand courses are compatible with the mobile app. Unfortunately, this on demand course is not compatible. For the best learning experience, we suggest you use your computer.
How to Access the Course
This is an online session. This course is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Once registered, you can access the material at any time.
However, you will only have access to the course for 90 days after REGISTRATION.
To access the course please visit our BlackBoard site, and log-in using the same login and password used for the Registration Portal. Please allow up to 15 minutes after registration for the course to appear on your BlackBoard page.
Registration, cancellation, withdrawal and all other CPA Ontario PD policies can be found here.
This online, interactive training course is presented by CustomGuide, North America’s trusted provider of simulation-based learning for Microsoft products.